Recommended for the treatment of systemic and local infections due to broad range of gram +ve and gram –ve kinds of bacterial diseases including: Haemorrhagic septicaemia, Neonatal diarrhoea, Bronchopneumonia, Salmonellosis, Colibacillosis, Metritis, Sepsis, Enterotoxaemia, Mastitis, Pyelonephritis and Vibriosis.
Each ml contains:
Norfloxacin B.P ……………. 100 mg
(5 mg Norfloxacin/ kg b.w I/M)
Cattle/ Camel/ Sheep/ Goat:
1 ml Norsan /20 kg b.w I/M for 3-5 days
0.1 ml Norsan /kg b.w I/M
50 ml Vial
100 ml Vial
Pakistan Reg. No. 027423