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Iversan-20 (Injection)



Cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat

Iversan-20 is 97 to 100% effective against adult and fourth stage larval forms of respective species including Haemonchus, Ostertagia (including inhibited L4 in cattle), Cooperia,Trichostrongylus (including T.axei), Strongyloides, Bunostomum, Nematodirus, Dictyocaulus, Trichuris, Oesophagostomum and ovine Chabertia ovina. Arthropod parasites including grubs (Hypoderma bovis, H.lineatum, Oestrus ovis), mites (Sarcoptes bovis, Psoroptes ovis), and suckling lice (lingonathus vituli, Hematopinus spp. certain ticks and dung-breeding flies are also susceptible to Iversan-20.


Each ml contains: Ivermectin B.P …..  20 mg

Dosage and Administration


1 ml Iversan / 100 kg b.w. S/C


0.5 ml Iversan / 50 kg b.w. S/C


IVERSAN-20 injection should be administered using sterile syringe under the loose skin in front or behind the shoulder. In wooly sheep, be sure that the needle has penetrated the wool and skin before delivering the dose. As with any other injection, aseptic technique should be used.

Precautions For Use

  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Adequate vaccination against Clostridial infection is strongly recommended.
  • Store at room temperature.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.


50 ml Vial

Pakistan Reg. No. 088112

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